Testimonials - Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing Client Profiles 

Megan (Woman age 36), Classical Acupuncturist Seattle, Washington WA (USA)

On why she decided to participate in egg freezing with Extend Fertility:
"I was starting to feel that my desire to have children was putting pressure on my current relationship... deciding to participate in egg freezing helped me to separate the issues - yes, I want to have children, yes, I am in a relationship, but my desire to have children shouldn't cloud whether we should be having children together. I don't want to have children until I feel emotionally and financially prepared."
On how she feels now:
"Egg Freezing are a very empowering processes. I know there are no guarantees in this world, but it is a fantastic feeling to know I've done what I can to preserve my fertility along the way. Somehow egg freezing was really affirming of what I want in my life, even though I am not having children right this minute. I know I want to be a mother more strongly than when I began... It has removed some of the judgment of myself and self-criticism of wishing I had done this or that differently, or some blame I've placed on myself for not having children yet. I feel far less anxious about the future, no matter what the outcome - whether I get pregnant naturally at some point, whether I use these eggs, whether I adopt. Now it's just more about becoming a mother eventually than judging my body for being not the "perfect" age biologically."
On working with Extend Fertility in Egg Freezing:
"I felt very supported by the women at Extend Fertility - like they were truly my partners in this adventure, their egg freezing services help me and women like me to have more choices in the future. The women at Extend are smart, capable, kind women, there to help me achieve this thing I want. Working with Extend Fertility was so refreshing compared with trying to explain to others, even doctors, why I was worried about my fertility, and not having them get it or just give trite answers (like, "why make a such a big deal about this?", "you're plenty young", etc.). I really liked having these women support me in making the possibility of egg preservation and egg freezing real."
On advice for women considering egg freezing with Extend Fertility
"Listen to yourself. Consider what is most important to you, and don't worry about what other people have to say about it. Nobody can know but you what is truly important to you and how you want to make that happen. When I decided on egg freezing and that I was going to do it, and was in the process of it, I talked very openly to people about it as it was happening... At the coffee shop...how are you today? I'm great! I'm freezing my eggs! Because I found the experience totally empowering."

Alexandra (Woman age 34), Pharmaceutical Sales Boston, Massachusetts MA (USA)

On why she decided to freeze her eggs by egg freezing:
"Having a family has always been incredibly important to me and working in the medical community made me all too aware of the fact that my aging eggs could potentially jeopardize that dream. I also didn't want to rush into a marriage that wasn't right solely to have children. Egg freezing has removed the pressure."
On how she feels now:
"I feel truly amazing...Relieved! I work in the women's health care arena so I'm constantly bombarded with the scary biological clock story. I realized last week that I was listening to yet another horrifying presentation on the perils facing future mothers over 30 and for the first time I didn't having a panic attack! I realized that I had taken control and done what I could to ensure the best chance of having a healthy and happy baby in the future by egg freezing. It's also really nice that now thinking about having a family brings a sense of excitement because it just seems like much more of a reality and not a deadline that I am terrified of missing."
On working with the Extend Fertility Egg Freezing Professionals:
"I did a lot of research on egg freezing programs and several of the female fertility clinics I contacted that advertised egg freezing and egg harvesting just didn't seem to know much about it - I often felt like they were reading from a script. They also made me feel like I would be a peripheral egg freezing patient because I wasn't doing IVF - egg freezing was just not what they specialized in. Then I contacted Extend Fertility about Egg Freezing and everything was totally different. It was amazing and reassuring to work with women who had actually participated in egg freezing or frozen their eggs themselves! I didn't have to justify why I was pursuing egg freezing...they totally got me. The best part of the egg freezing process was that they had actually taken the medications and had their own eggs frozen so they really knew what they were talking about and what I could expect. I can't say enough about the confidence they instilled in me and the emotional support they provided me at every step in the egg freezing process."
On advice for other women considering egg freezing:
"If you're over 33 and single or involved in a fast track career you must consider egg freezing now. I promise it will change your life. The women at Extend Fertility will absolutely help you with all aspects of egg freezing. You will NEVER regret egg freezing having frozen eggs...but you could very seriously regret not having preserved your eggs or participating in an egg freezing program when you had the chance."