Service Improvement

Mary19 2013

Dear SAP Agency and all friends and partners of Yulane SAP program,


First, we want to thank each of you again for supporting Yulane.  The surrogate ladies are the core value that help create these childless families. Your contributions are milestones. We want to thank you again for helping the Chinese internet parents from the globe.


Since we need large volume of surrogate candidates for passing the screening process for year 2013, sometimes we might let go of the surrogacy qualifications that might cause issues conflicting with the ASRM recommendations.


Therefore, In the respect of ASRM recommendation and guidelines, all surrogates should have no more than five previous vaginal deliveries or two previous cesarean deliveries. The Yulane SAP program would need  the agency's assistance to comply with the ASRM recommendation .


Yulane Surrogate Program guidelines on who can be a gestational carrier.  Yulane RGI and IHR follows the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 2012 Practice Committee recommendation on screening potential surrogates –please see attached.


Any agency involved in surrogacy should screen their potential candidates by history to assure compliance by these ASRM recommendations before referring them for further medical evaluation.


In summary:


Who can be a gestational carrier (GC)?

A healthy woman between the ages of 21 and 45 who has had a successful term pregnancy and has a supportive family environment to help her cope with the added stress of pregnancy. The GC should have no more than five previous vaginal deliveries or two previous cesarean deliveries. Prior to becoming pregnant, the GC should talk about the risks of pregnancy with her healthcare provider.


What type of medical tests does a gestational carrier need to have?


The GC should have a complete history and physical examination performed to ensure that there are no reasons for her to avoid pregnancy. This examination also will identify patients at risk for sexually-transmitted diseases. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) recommends that all carriers be tested for viral infections, including HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and cytomegalovirus.


Does the gestational carrier have to undergo psychological testing?

A GC and her partner (if appropriate) should have a clinical interview with a mental health professional. This and subsequent interviews will cover the potential psychological risks associated with the process including managing relationships with her partner, her children, her employer, and the intended parents. Psychological testing may be performed at the discretion of the counselor.


Yulane SAP Program will work with you  to improve the screening process as well. Please help screening the qualified surrogate applicants. We could get them matched within a 7-business days once approved by IHR., the primary IVF clinic of Yulane SAP that work with Yulane provided 87% of pregnancy rate in year 2012 .


If approved by other clinic, the matching process could take longer. 


Thank you.

Yulane Surrogate Assessment Program