Oak Brook Fertility Solutions affiliate, Stemride International, offers high quality Human Embryonic Stem Cell lines. There are more than one hundred twenty normal lines in the company’s bank and about thirty carrying genetic or chromosomal abnormalities.
All hESC lines were derived from embryos donated by patients of the Oak Brook Fertility Solutions(OBFS) who underwent the IVF treatment in the institute and its centers. The patients have been given complete and comprehensive information about the future of the embryos and the value of their contribution to science and medicine. Patients have signed consent forms with clear understanding that embryos, which were left in-vitro after the IVF cycle, will constitute the source of stem cells for scientific research.
The stem cell bank contains lines derived from the embryos in the morula stage and blastocyst stage grown on human and animal feeders.
Recipients of the SIL’s lines may patent and publish discoveries made utilizing these lines. The company requests that recipient acknowledges the source of its hES cells in relevant papers. The recipient may not transfer SIL’s hES cells to another researcher or commercial party without the express permission of SIL.
The hES cells are provided under the conditions specified in the Letter of Agreement. In particular, SIL prohibits the following:
•Use of SIL’s hES cells in humans or in contact with any cells or other materials to be transferred into humans;
•Reintroduction of hES cells alone or in combination with other cells, into the reproductive tract of a female animal;
•Use of SIL hES cells for purposes of in-vitro culture with human or animal zygotes or embryos.
The company requires that the recipient comply with all Governmental and Institutional local laws and regulations, relating to the use of hES cells.
•Reintroduction of hES cells alone or in combination with other cells, into the reproductive tract of a female animal;
•Use of SIL hES cells for purposes of in-vitro culture with human or animal zygotes or embryos.
The company requires that the recipient comply with all Governmental and Institutional local laws and regulations, relating to the use of hES cells.
To find out more about options available through OBFS's affilliates, please contact us.