Yulane RGI is a leader in the field of cord blood banking and cord blood stem cell research. Cord blood stem cells are present in a baby’s umbilical cord blood. These cells have two exceptional characteristics that distinguish them from other types of cells. First, they are unspecialized cells that have the capability to renew themselves for long periods through cell division. Second, under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, these cells can be induced to become cells with special functions.
Thus, cord blood stem cells serve as a 'blood factory" and have the capacity to reproduce and repopulate mature blood cells. Cord blood stem cells can become red blood cells, which carry oxygen through the body, white blood cells, which protect the immune system and help fight infections or diseases, or platelets, which aid the body in healing itself. Cord blood stem cells are extremely potent, and a single stem cell has the ability to permanently reconstitute the entire blood production system as well as the entire immune system.
Cord blood stem cells are collected immediately after the birth of your child in a quick and painless, risk-free procedure, by removing samples of blood before discarding the umbilical cord. Research has shown that these cells can last indefinitely under appropriate storage conditions. Each specimen is privately registered and uniquely labeled, and can be accessed and retrieved only by you or your child at the age of consent.
Cord Blood Bank Value:
Because of the medical benefits of stems cells, preserved cord blood stems cells may be considered to be a form of life insurance for your child. This particularly applies to many families with a history of malignancies like leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, neuroblastoma or non-malignant, often genetic diseases like Aplastic Anemias, Fanconi's anemia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, or Thalassemia.
Because of the medical benefits of stems cells, preserved cord blood stems cells may be considered to be a form of life insurance for your child. This particularly applies to many families with a history of malignancies like leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, neuroblastoma or non-malignant, often genetic diseases like Aplastic Anemias, Fanconi's anemia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, or Thalassemia.
Preserved cord blood stem cells are used in place of bone marrow transplants, and are often preferable to bone marrow due to their lower rate of failure and rejection. DNA Banking on all children is also highly recommended by United States Department of Law Enforcement to protect children in the event of abduction or kidnapping.
It is very important to make a decision related to cord blood storage before the birth of your child. The opportunity to collect and preserve your child's umbilical cord or placenta blood comes, literally, once in a lifetime. If not collected at birth, this irreplaceable source of cord blood stem cells will be lost forever. Preserving a newborn’s umbilical cord blood stem cells can provide a long life medical benefit for the child, as well as other family members, while also providing a permanent means of identifying your child.