- 理解和签署《工作内容说明书》
- 签署《1099服务协议》和《工作内容说明书》
- 接受OUTLOOK服务培训,包含手机设置电子邮件和电子邮件签名,培训与其他老师一起沟通,OPT学员需要答复10个沟通,远程登录,
- 接受ABS个人服务薪酬表培训
- 接受5个微信后台页面设置培训,或Vloopup报告培训验收
- 接受5个文摘共享的培训(从其他老师QQ或是微信那里获得可以放到玉兰微信的文章)到后台的微信页面发布和文章统计(可以参考彭谢宁组的微信统计表)
- 培训5个付款打印的培训(全部的人员均需要学习付款流程,其目的是学习如何沟通,如何收集文件和如何打印支票和SharePiont打印)
- 街道培训结束感谢信
- 培训结束(要求全部以上列车的文件整理为一个PDF文件为任务圆满完成。
- 完成玉兰试题测试 http://faq.yulane.com.cn/ 分数不得低于85分
- 准备服务工具,其中包括提供服务的硬件和软件等 ( http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1555-9_玉兰计算机工作站标准验收列表.pdf )
- 完成《已非杂乱无章-任务管理》中的小组任务
- 完成《已非杂乱无章-支票打印操作》10个支票的打印
- 完成《已非杂乱无章-服务人员KPI薪酬》送达
- 参加的培训的同学,需要办理培训手续,并由玉兰同事推荐后拥有不缴纳培训费的培训资格。招聘流程文件的政策位于地址http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/YULANE_Hiring_Process_Samples.pdf。 同时需要填写以下表格
- http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/YULANE_1099_工作申请表.pdf (自己填写后扫描,然后递交给gracezhou@wecare.yulane.com )
- http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1431_培训邀请件_通用格式.pdf (自己填写后扫描,然后递交给gracezhou@wecare.yulane.com )
- 自问自自答是可以在家完成的培训入门,每位新同学均会有一位辅导老师,协助新同学完成培训内容。
- 自问自答以后,需要将作业放在Member - ABC 成员群的文件中,然后请您的辅导老师给出一意见
- 最后的测试地址位于http://quiz.yulane.com
- 测试通过后,将获取玉兰服务证书。分配到客服组实习,然后由专门的老师负责提供培训指导。
- Excel 透视表: 目的是学习 将浮躁的心安静下来,是成功的第一步骤。应聘人员需要字自己利用自己时间在网上找到微软软件ExcelExcel 透视表的相关视频,然后一步一步学习,输入100个模拟数据,然后通过QQ展示给培训老师:
- 玉兰组织机构:了解一个企业的运营模式和法人实体是提供服务的第一步,玉兰机构站点说明地址位于http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Pages/Documentation.aspx 和http://yulane.com.cn/content/aboutyulane 两个地址,请详细了解下,并自问自答10到题目。
- 的目的是详细了解企业文化和
- 机构证书: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/美中优生优育服务中心认证文件.pdf
- 玉兰与国家计划生育委员合作关系:http://yulane.com.cn/content/yulane_support_china_pgd_dev
510服务客服培训 (50自问自答)
- 什么是PGD, http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/PGD妊娠说明书.pdf 入门 和http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/PGD-中英对照版-等待贵宾签字.pdf (请向辅导老师要访问授权)
- 美国代孕吗生子包成功套餐: 学习地址 http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/520玉兰SAP代孕套餐95万包成功简介.pdf
- 中国玉卵套餐:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/30万包成功中国玉卵服务套餐.pdf
- 报价服务: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/接待咨询一口价.pdf
- 接待流程: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1550-19会议室接待流程.pdf
- 1056服务;http://yulane.com.cn/content/blood-sample-test
- 服务日志模板:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/510_服务日志模板.pdf
- 为什么选择玉兰:http://yulane.com.cn/content/yulane_special_services
520签约服务 (100自问自答)
- 了解贵宾基本需求: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/贵宾基本需求汇总_公开示例.pdf
- 玉兰贵宾服务套餐报价表: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/52015玉兰贵宾服务套餐报价表.pdf
- 理解分期付款步骤图: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/520玉兰美国代孕套餐95万包成功分期付款步骤图.pdf
- 了解520合同基本内容: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/520_美国试管婴儿信息服务协议书_目录与定义_对外公开.pdf
- 了解签约流程: http://yulane.com.cn/content/aboutsiging520
- 了解解约流程;http://yulane.com.cn/refund
818接待服务 (50自问自答)
- 新贵宾就诊说明书: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/818-新贵宾就诊说明书.pdf
- 818取精服务: http://yulane.com.cn/sperm_retrival_process
- 818贵宾代孕法律服务培训 http://yulane.com.cn/Yulane_legal_training_service_for_1st_IP_visit
818接待服务 (50自问自答)
- 新贵宾就诊说明书: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/818-新贵宾就诊说明书.pdf
- 818取精服务: http://yulane.com.cn/sperm_retrival_process
- 818贵宾代孕法律服务培训 http://yulane.com.cn/Yulane_legal_training_service_for_1st_IP_visit
521代孕合同培训 (50自问自答)
- 新贵宾就诊说明书: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/818-新贵宾就诊说明书.pdf
- 818取精服务: http://yulane.com.cn/sperm_retrival_process
- 818贵宾代孕法律服务培训 http://yulane.com.cn/Yulane_legal_training_service_for_1st_IP_visit
621移植服务 (50自问自答)
- 新贵宾就诊说明书: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/818-新贵宾就诊说明书.pdf
- 818取精服务: http://yulane.com.cn/sperm_retrival_process
- 818贵宾代孕法律服务培训 http://yulane.com.cn/Yulane_legal_training_service_for_1st_IP_visit
622捐卵天使取卵接待服务 (50自问自答)
- 新贵宾就诊说明书: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/818-新贵宾就诊说明书.pdf
- 818取精服务: http://yulane.com.cn/sperm_retrival_process
- 818贵宾代孕法律服务培训 http://yulane.com.cn/Yulane_legal_training_service_for_1st_IP_visit
721代孕妈妈妊娠送达服务 (50自问自答)
送达《我们为您着想》服务时间表 - 示例 http://yulane.com.cn/content/Yulane_721_servicse
821迎接新生命送达服务 (50自问自答)
档案管理服务 (50自问自答)
- 817_A1_贵宾病历信息表 http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/817_A1_贵宾病历信息表.pdf
- 1056服务流程;http://yulane.com.cn/content/blood-sample-test
- 1057贵宾档案服务
- 文件送达服务:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1666_玉兰美中文件送达签收单.pdf
1665服务培训 (100自问自答)
- 接待服务:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1665-1-玉兰美中来访登记表.pdf
- 办公室文档管理:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1665_Office_Assistant.pdf
- 档案管理:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/56789%20客户档案汇总_Tab.pdf
- 计算机管理:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1555-9_玉兰计算机工作站标准验收列表.pdf
- 授权支付:http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/1263_CREDIT_AUTHORIZATION_FORM.pdf
- 报销服务: http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/556_财务专用模板.pdf
- A. 第二天
- B.第三天
- C.第四天
- D.第五天
- A.8点
- B.9点
- C.10点
- D.11点
- A. 7天
- B. 10天
- C. 15天
- D. 21天
6. 在取精前至少多长时间不可以吸烟?
- A.半年
- B.3个月
- C.1个月
- D.2星期
7. 特别不要在排卵的几天前不喝含酒精的饮料?
- A.8天
- B. 6天
- C. 4天
- D.2天
8. 中文客服递交《中国境内男方精子检查报告》给玉兰实验室,审核通过或,给出什么文件?
- A.《1056医学报告建议书》
- B.《男方取精服务》,
- C.《男女方代孕服务心理筛查》
- D.《818贵宾代孕法律服务培训》
9. 中文客服向贵宾解释,如精子活力不够,在与卵子结合的时候,需要精子体外培养和单精子注射服务,原价6万,套餐内优惠价几万元
- A. 4万
- B. 3万
- C. 2万
- D. 1万
10. 精子取出后置放在哪里,进入精子冬藏服务,进入精子等待卵子的等待过程
- A.玉兰实验室
- B.医生诊所
- C.州医院
- D.市医院
1. 为什么做了PGD筛查反而减低了妊娠率?
2. 什么叫胚胎的自然淘汰
3. 什么叫胚胎的技术淘汰
4. 什么是第5天的胚胎
5. 如果不使用PGD胚胎筛查,为什么没要放弃包成功的服务约定。
- Outlook - Rule
- Outlook - Sniping Image to Email
- Outlook - Email Siganture
- Outlook - Email Subject
您进入Youtube,选择下 Outlook - Rule, 然后进入一个最新的视频,您可以看到如何制作Rule,您要学习的内容是
1. 按主题分类
2. 按来信人分类,
Outlook - Sniping Image to Email
- In very rare situation, the attached document might not responding the context of email, it happens sometime, this could be the list risk;
- “Sniping Image to Email“ improves efficiency of reading the email and for a faster response;
- “Sniping Image to Email “ helps the full understanding the delivering items for accuracy for less mis-representation ;
- “Sniping Image to Email “ helps avoids the legal risk that might be caused the communication items does not match the attached document in the email.
- 扫描贵宾签名的原始文字(比如留用的授权签字文件)
- 使用PHOTOSHOP修改为没有底色的图片文件,(既底色为透明颜色)
- 存成为PNG格式,两个签名需要两个PNG格式的文件
- 然后通过电子邮件发发出。
SAP Training
SAP- Training 1 - Understanding of 634 Compensation
SAP -Training 2 - Understanding of 56789 Samples of Statement
SAP -Training 3 - Understanding of 621 Transfer Procedures and 21-Days Post Transfer Care plan
SAP- Training 4 - Understanding of 638 Medical Bills
This email is regard SAP- Training 1 - Understanding of 634 Compensation assigned to XXXX, XXXX
We are getting finished on Compensation package and ready for you to review as part of training. I would like to ask if you can create a spreadsheet like below after reading the Compensation. Of course, need your help for review to find the errors in this document as training since this is a long document. The escrow attorney and case managers are expected fully understand this compensation document and then interpret it to surrogate accurately and accordingly .
Your assignment is required the following:
1. Find Errors in the 634 Compensation Package if any.
2. List all paying items using an excel file with the knowledge you have fully understand.
3. Write a summary about the payment schedule about the total dollar a surrogate could be earning for a surrogacy ( e.g. if the surrogate is singleton, or she has twin….) .
Please let me know if it is ok with you, I will send the file.
The following listed pay items are not accurate per the file send. The purpose of the is for the demo format of final completion of this training.
Pre-transfer medications:
- Birth control pills
- Lupron
- Vivelle patches
- Prometrium
- Intramuscular progesterone
- Crinone
Post transfer medication:
- Vivelle patches
- Prometruim
- Intramuscular progesterone
- Crinone
Sunday, July 19, 2015 2:13 PM
Good morning Jeff,
This office received your training assignment. Thanks for your time. Here is the following my response.
- All provide are 1099 independent contractor, the money paid to them called “ FEES” that includes compensation, bonus and services fees. No such terms called “salary”. This document is drafted by a group of attorneys who have surrogacy management experiences for more than 5 years. We sent 1099 form each year for anyone whose earning is exceed than $800.00.
- The result on excel come back has a little confusions. But it is good start. This excel training assignment does not come with the total dollar amount the surrogate will be compensated. ( e.g. such as singleton, twins), please provide with a clear excel if this is ok with you.
- All document(s) regarding completed services must be submitted as an email with the image of the supporting documents embedded into the body of the email. In addition, each email submission should be accompanied with the supporting documents as an attached file to the same email.
Affidavits 6, 7, 8 - Escrwo Attorney
Information Management
Knowing the status of your various payment schedules enables you to minimize costs and expenses and reduce contract disputes. US CHINA Escrow Services provides cutting-edge technology platforms and customized applications that help you manage multiple accounts seamlessly for increased cash management and transaction visibility.
Invoice Collection and Review Service
Timely payments to vendors is extremely important to us. The invoice collection service is generally provided by the escrow attorney(s), who is professionally trained to understand complex, multi-party agreements. It is possible that a non-legal professional can aprovide the invoice collection services after special training. For a fee, we offer the following services:
- Communicate with service providers by telephone and email to collect invoices.
- Review vendors’ invoices and ask questions, if necessary, based upon personal knowledge or per client’s request.
- Negotiate hospital bills and the set of IVF monitoring ultrasound services, as listed above
- Review and approve all collected invoices, attach with summary of approved invoices, send them via email, and follow up with the verification of final payment (usually made by check or credit card) .
When all affidavits have been completed for collecting medical invoices (mainly for monitoring, OB/Gyn prenatal care, and delivery hospital fees), fees are:
- $300 for Monitoring Fee Arrangement
- $400 for OB/Gyn prenatal Fee Arrangement
- $450 for Delivery hospital invoices Fee Arrangement
When each process (total of 3 processes - monitoring, OB/Gyn care, and delivery) starts, within 48 hours of receiving the orders from the medical physician, the escrow attorney is expected to send a signed AFFIDAVIT 6 for Monitoring Fee Arrangement, AFFIDAVIT 7 for OB/Gyn Prenatal Care Fee Arrangement, and AFFIDAVIT 8 for Delivery Hospital Invoices Fee Arrangement immediately to the medical service providers. The purpose of sending these fee arrangements is to ensure the medical services providers understand this is a surrogacy case. Payment will be sent by an IP-funded escrow bank account that will allow the required IVF surrogacy fertility treatment services to be fully paid per the signed contract. The escrow attorney will receive the medical expense invoices and communicate with the medical services providers to ensure that all invoices, confirmed via results of each monitoring and visit related to the IVF-related medical expenses, have been received. After the escrow attorney receives the invoices, she/he will send them on to the Payable Team, with an approval note signed as the cover page, requesting payment before due day.
For faster documentation services, US CHINA ESCROW SERVICES will supply a PDF-editable application to send out the AFFIDAVITs. If the escrow attorney is inable to use the editable PDF application , she/he will be allowed to use a signature stamp (not recommend but permissable for the first 5 AFFIDAVITs) in the PDF-editable application. After completing the AFFIDAVITS, the escrow attorney is required to send the signed AFFIDAVITs to the medical services providers as well as copies to an assigned Payable Team, who are generally professionally trained to communicate immediately with medical services providers and patients. They may also provide additional assistance to the escrow attorney regarding documentation of payment. Escrow attorneys are responsible for delivering the escrow payments and have the most communication with surrogates, donors, clinics, hospitals, and the Payable Team.
Payment Schedule
The escrow attorney will be retained for $150.00 from the above listed fees after each AFFIDAVIT has been sent with a follow-up call made. The payment will be mailed on or before the 28th of each month once the copy of the AFFIDAVIT is received by the assigned Payable Team . The remaining balance will be paid once all the invoices are fully collected with results attached.
The following is the process flow for Affidavits 6, 7, and 8 services
Affidavit 6
- Affidavit 6 is the Letter of Surrogate Monitoring Fee Arrangment that is required to be sent before the transfer cycle is arranged by the surrogate’s treatment clinic and will be sent by the escrow attorney.
- The escrow attorney will receive a New Services order of Affidavit 6 that will be sent by a case manager (e.g., Nancy or Nicki) attached with Affidavit 5 from the IP attorney to the clinic that lists full information for all matched parties. This information will help the escrow attorney fill out the Affidavit 6 template.
- The escrow attorney understands that the Affidavit 6 template is editable using the PDF Pro application, and the attorney is expected to apply his/her specific wording for completion of the letter.
- Prior to completing the Affidavit 6 letter, the escrow attorney is required to make photo calls to both the GC and the clinic for the purpose of introducing him/her self, ensuring that both the surrogate and the clinic are familiar with his/her voice and understand that he/she will be the contact person for receiving invoices.
- Prior to sending the Affidavit 6 letter, the escrow attorney needs to send the 636 Medical Account Setup Form to the GC, which helps her send the billing information to the escrow attorney in summary form.
- The first five Affidavit 6 letters are required to be sent to Jane@uschinaescrow.com for approval as part of training, as the Jane Payable Team will exact the escrow payments for the escrow attorney for the first five Affidavit 6 payments. After five Affidavit 6 payments have been accurately processed, the escrow attorney can do this on his own.
- After each invoice is received, the escrow attorney should review it and if approved, sign it, scan it, and send it via email to Jane@uschinaescrow.com, requesting payment no later than the 28th of the month. All approved escrow payments are required to be paid by the Jane@uschinaescrow.com Payable Team.
Affidavit 7
- Affidavit 7 is the Letter of OB Pregnancy Fee Arrangment that is required to be sent when the surrogate is found to be 6 weeks pregnant from the day of embryo transfer.
- The escrow attorney will receive a New Services order of Affidavit 7 that will be sent by a case manager (e.g., Nancy or Nicki) attached with a CIVF Clinic Release Form that officially confirms pregnancy by fetal heartbeat and can be released to her OB care provider. This CIVF Clinic Release Form will help the escrow attorney fill out the Affidavit 7 template.
- The escrow attorney understands that the Affidavit 7 template is editable using the PDF Pro application, and the attorney is expected to apply his/her specific wording for completion of the letter.
- Prior to completing the Affidavit 7 letter, the escrow attorney is required to make photo calls to both the GC and her OB/Gyn physician and clinic for the purpose of introducing him/her self, ensuring that both the surrogate and her OB/Gyn physician are familiar with his/her voice and understand that he/she will be the contact person for receiving invoices.
- The first five Affidavit 7 letters are required to be sent to Jane@uschinaescrow.com for approval as part of training, as the Jane Payable Team will exact the escrow payments for the escrow attorney for the first five Affidavit 7 payments. After five Affidavit 7 payments have been accurately processed, the escrow attorney can do this on his own.
- After each invoice is received, the escrow attorney should review it and if approved, sign it, scan it, and send it via email to Jane@uschinaescrow.com, requesting payment no later than the 28th of the month. All approved escrow payments are required to be paid by the Jane@uschinaescrow.com Payable Team.
Affidavit 8
- Affidavit 8 is the Letter of Delivery Fee Arrangment that is required to be sent when the surrogate is found to be 30 weeks pregnant from the day of embryo transfer.
- The escrow attorney will receive a New Services order of Affidavit 8 that will be sent by a case manager (e.g., Nancy or Nicki) or OB/Gyn physician attached with an OB/GYN Care Form that states the status of the delivery technique (i.e., either vaginal or C section). This OB/GYN CareForm helps the escrow attorney fill out the Affidavit 8 template.
- The escrow attorney understands that the Affidavit 8 template is editable using the PDF Pro application, and the attorney is expected to apply his/her specific wording for completion of the letter.
- Prior to completing the Affidavit 8 letter, the escrow attorney is required to make photo calls to both the GC and her OB/Gyn physician clinic for the purpose of introducing him/her self, ensuring that both the surrogate and her OB/Gyn physician are familiar with his/her voice and understand that he/she will be the contact person for receiving invoices.
- The first five Affidavit 8 letters are required to be sent to Jane@uschinaescrow.com for approval as part of training, as the Jane Payable Team will exact of escrow payments for the escrow attorney for the first five Affidavit 8 payments. After five Affidavit 8 payments have been accurately processed, the escrow attorney can do this on his own.
- After each invoice is received, the escrow attorney should review it and if approved, sign it, scan it, and send via email to Jane@uschinaescrow.com, requesting payment no later than the 28th of the month. All approved escrow payments are required to be paid by the Jane@uschinaescrow.com Payable Team.
Policies and Produces for Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation Program
To set forth a uniform process for (1 ) entering, review and approving the Result of Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation Program( as defined below between Yulane Lab on behalf of Yulane Reproductive Genetics Institute and Non-Yulane Entities ( as defined below) with respect to the services provided by IVF clinic(s).; (2) executing Donor Retrieval Program.; (3) certified the Donor Egg Retrieval Report; and (4) distributing the Donor Egg Retrieval Report to the appropriate parities after they have been executed.
Only YULANE lab contracted IVF clinic(s) is permitted to provide the Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation Program (7CSP) unless an Agreement for these services has been reviewed, executed and approved and distributed in accordance with this policy, or an exception to this requirement has been granted in accordance with this policy. This policy applies only to the Programs that meet the definitions of the Agreements ( as defined below) .
- FDA Panel Testing and Genetic Testing
- Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation Program. It starts with the donor’s 1st day and ends on the 7th-day of her menstrual period. In this 7-day period, the Donor is arranged to have FDA screening, monitoring and stimulating medication injections all required medical retrieval procedures. The IVF physician will make judgment of egg donor's suitability due DAY-SEVEN (7) Stimulation Result.
- Donor Retrieval Program. It starts at 8th period day with the Clinic confirmation of DAY-SEVEN (7) Stimulation Cycle Result via ultrasound send by the retrieval clinic suggesting the continuing the cycle stimulation that allows the Donor officially entering the Donor Retrieval Program .
- Donor Egg Retrieval Report.
- Cycle Stimulation and Fertility Report.
- PGD Embryo Status Report .
- Preparation of Donor Prescreening : enter wording here
- Notice of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation: The Yulane Contracted IVF monitoring clinic is required to provide the Result of Egg Donor 7-Day Cycle Stimulation per the request of Yulane Lab or IPs for each egg donor case.
- In the event the Donor’s monitoring report would show greater than 15 follicles (size of the follicles?) on the 7th period days, the default result for Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation program is to continue the cycle stimulation allowing the donor officially enter the Donor Retrieval Program. An email nonfiction is required to be sent to JianchiHYPERLINK "mailto:Jianchi@wecare.yulane.com"@wecare.yulane.com, susan@wecare.yulane.com and chadabecker@gmail.com
- In the event the Donor’s monitoring report would show less than 15 follicles on the 7th period days, the default result for Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation program is to cancel the cycle unless IVF physician agrees to provide a better treatment with the permission of Yulane LAB or IP to continue. An email permission letter is required to be sent to JianchiHYPERLINK "mailto:Jianchi@wecare.yulane.com"@wecare.yulane.com only. Dr. JianChi will make the immediate communication with Yulane Lab or IP for confirmation of cycle cancellation or permission to continue the cycle stimulation and then send the feedback to IVF clinic(s).
- If the IVF physician would have made the final retrieval cancelled due to the fact that sufficient Ova might not be retrieved or fertilized as a result it is possible that no viable embryos will be available for implantation therefore would like to require the clinic to terminated final retrieval procedure in case the above donor is found unable to be fertilized less than 15 qualified Ova, but that less than 15 and greater than 12 qualified ova might be retrieved upon the mutual agreement of the parties in consultation with the doctor as the IVF physician.
- Distribution of Result of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation:
- IVF clinic(s) is required to send the signed Result of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation to Nick Antonacci E.S.Q. at 7-DAY nick.anto@outlook.com or nick.anto@uschinaescrow.com and Dr. Jianchi Ding, the Director of Yulane Lab at JianchiHYPERLINK "mailto:Jianchi@wecare.yulane.com"@wecare.yulane.com
- Attorney Nick Antonacci as Escrow Attorney will receive the Result of Egg Donor 7-Day Cycle Stimulation, as appropriate, review and write brief summary and notarize attached clinic signed result and distributed the certified copy to Yulane Records Department at 2910 Macarthur Blvd. Northbrook IL 60062 as well as electrical copy to Yulane JianchiHYPERLINK "mailto:Jianchi@wecare.yulane.com"@wecare.yulane.com
- Dr. Jianchi Ding as Lab Director will receive the Result of Egg Donor 7-Day Cycle Stimulation, as appropriate, review and write brief summary with the attached clinic signed result and distributed as a permanent records for Yulane LAB.
- Distribution of Summary Egg Donor Egg Retrieval Report.
Remain the same distribution procedure in 3 Distribution of Result of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation
- Distribution of Donor Egg Retrieval Report.
Remain the same distribution procedure in 3 Distribution of Result of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation
- Distribution of Cycle Stimulation and Fertility Report.
Remain the same distribution procedure in 3 Distribution of Result of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation
- Distribution of PGD Embryo Status Report .
Remain the same distribution procedure in 3 Distribution of Result of Egg Donor DAY-SEVEN (7) Cycle Stimulation
Instructions: Please complete this form and then forward to the Office of the Yulane General Counsel and other appropriate parties as set forth in the Provider Services Agreement Policy and Procedures. If you need more space to complete any questions, please attach the additional pages.
Order v.s. Payment Procdure
The following orders are sent by the Certified US CHINA Escrow Professionals (USEP)
- Requested New Services ( RNS) are sent by Yulane Case Managers to IVF clinic and authorized email recipients including USEP, lab director case managers.
- USEP received the RNS. And then send the REQUEST FOR ORDERS (RO) are to the contracted IVF clinics whom, within 24 hours, is REQUIRED to send the Clinic Order (CO)by email ( restricted by faxing) with PDF format to the authorized email recipients including USEP, lab director, case managers for the purpose of the execution of escrow payment.
- The USEP received CO and ultimately responsible to communicate, collect and review these ORDERS by working with other team members including but not limited to the Lab Director, Case Manager. The preview and review of this COS are required by lab director case managers for the case direction responded in less than 24 hours. If this is emergency, call Case Director for direction.
- Once COs are approved, USEP is required to send consequent COs followed by the standard procedures as listed below)
- The Certified US CHINA Escrow Professionals is required strong communication capacity, computer and typing skills with two monitors at her/his home-office working environment.
- USEP is required to collect the result as the completion of services.
A set of Medical Orders for Remote Egg Donor
D Order 1 - FDA 30 Day, once approved, goes to Order 2
D Order 2- Genetic Testing, once approved, goes to Order 3 and Order 4
D Order 3 – Monitoring (Ultrasound report of total antral follicle count (AFC)), once approved, goes to Order 5
D Order 4 – Medicine / Calendar
D Order 5 – The 7-day Stimulation Cycle, once approved, goes to Order 6
D Order 6 - Retrieval Program, once approved, goes to Order 7
D Order 7 – IVF Lab, once approved, goes to Order 8
D Order 8 – PGD Screening
A set of Medical Orders for GC
S Order 1 - Embryo Transfer Introduction with Calendar
S Order 2 - IVF Clinic Monitoring Order once approved, goes to Order 3 and Order 4
S Order 3 – Medicine for Pre-Transfer
S Order 4 – Transfer Day Introduction
S Order 5 – Medicine for Post transfer , S Order 3 and S Order 6 can be send the same time
S Order 6 – Poster Transfer Instruction for GC,
S Order 6 - Anora Miscarraige Testing if GC miscarriage
S Order 7 – GC IVF Clinic Release
PPs is located at http://yulane.com.cn/trainning
1. 会议时间和地点
2. 参加人员的人员简称,通常不许可写全称),比如戴老师,吴经理(经理提供内部管理),张主任(提供客服服务)
3. 目的: 本次活动的计划的目的和达到的目的。
4. 费用:需要附上全部的票据和汇总金额)
5. 下一步任务和安排:
6. 会议主持:公布本小组成立日期,合计见面时间,合计服务金额,合计服务小时(包括培训,会议和接待等信息)。本小组本周主要事宜,成员状态(工作,婚姻,恋爱,本周/月好人好事)
7. 会议合影(不得少于4张):小组全部成员合影
8. 发布方法:QQ群的公告栏发布,票据附在 QQ群照片栏,微信公众号群。
9. 每次会议主持人的费用为一口价可以按$50美元或是3000元人民币,或按小时薪酬支付也可以, 费用不得超过60美元(会议小组自己支付,会议地点经费由玉兰提供, 停车费自己支付),没有费用图片和会议合影照片会议主持人的费用
California Surrogacy Law FAQ
© January 2015 Deborah H. Wald
Q: Is surrogacy legal in California?
A: Yes. However, there are two different kinds of surrogacy: “traditional” surrogacy and “gestational” surrogacy. With traditional surrogacy, the woman carrying the child is also the genetic mother – as a general rule, she conceives through artificial insemination with the intended father’s sperm, but using her own egg. The law on traditional surrogacy in California remains very unclear, and it is possible that the “traditional surrogate” will be the legal mother and that one or both of the intended parents will end up having to adopt the child.
With gestational surrogacy, the woman carrying the child is not genetically related to the child – an embryo is created in vitro, using either an intended mother’s eggs or the eggs of an egg donor, fertilized with the sperm of an intended father or a sperm donor, and then the embryo is transferred into the uterus of an unrelated carrier.
As of January 1, 2013, California law (AB1217) now is completely clear that gestational surrogacy is legal as long as appropriate rules are followed, the most important of which are detailed below.
Q: Is surrogacy legal for single people and for gay couples, or only for heterosexual married couples?
A: In California, surrogacy is an equally good and legal option for singles as for couples, for unmarried couples as for married couples, and for gay couples as for straight couples. What matters is that the intended parent or parents make sure that they are represented by skilled and experienced counsel who will make sure that all i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. As long as everything is done correctly, all parties – intended parents and surrogates – will be well-protected.
Q: If I enter into a gestational surrogacy arrangement, by which I am designated as the Intended Parent, will I be recognized as a legal parent even if my baby is not genetically related to me?
A: Yes. If you enter into a gestational surrogacy arrangement that complies with California law, and designating you as the child’s Intended Parent, you will be the legal parent regardless of the whether the child is conceived from your eggs or your sperm. In other words, Intended Parents engaged in gestational surrogacy can use donated eggs, donated sperm or both and still be the legal parents of their child, as long as all surrogacy laws are complied with.
Q: We are thinking about having a baby through surrogacy. What role does a lawyer play in that process?
A: An attorney fundamentally has two separate roles in the surrogacy process: (1) the attorney will prepare a written contract for you and your surrogate; and (2) the attorney will bring the legal action to make you the child’s parents. In addition, an attorney who is experienced in assisted reproduction law can help you make sure that you and your surrogate are a good match, can help you figure out insurance for the surrogate and the baby, and can help you troubleshoot any issues that might come up between you and your surrogate during the pregnancy.
Q: Can one lawyer represent both me and my Surrogate?
A: No. Under a new California law (AB1217), effective January 1, 2013, for a surrogacy contract to be legally binding the intended parents and the surrogate must each have been represented by independent legal counsel of their own choosing. Most agencies, and most fertility clinics, will be able to recommend experienced surrogacy attorneys for you and your surrogate.
Q: What should be included in our surrogacy contract?
A: A surrogacy contract needs to address at least these issues:
(1) What is the source of the gametes? By law, the surrogacy contract must identify the source of the gametes (eggs and sperm). So if an egg or sperm donor is used, that must be indicated in the contract with the surrogate; and if the intended parents are a gay male couple, the contract should specify whether the sperm of one or both intended fathers is being used. However, it is sufficient to state that the eggs or sperm come from an anonymous donor – no identifying information is required under these circumstances.
(2) What is the surrogate being compensated for, and how much is she being compensated? Typically, a contractual surrogate is paid a “base fee” for her gestational services, and then is additionally compensated for things like any invasive procedures, carrying multiples (twins or triplets), travel expenses, lost wages, maternity clothing, legal fees, provision of breast milk, etc. The exact compensation terms should be spelled out in the contract to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings about fees.
(3) Who will hold escrow? Under California law, the surrogacy agency cannot hold the funds. Surrogacy funds must be held by either a licensed attorney (who will hold the funds in a state registered legal trust account that is governed by State Bar rules) or a licensed, bonded escrow company. This is to protect both intended parents and surrogate from the funds disappearing in the middle of the surrogacy process. Some attorneys for the intended parents will hold escrow, but many will not because they believe this is a conflict of interest. If there is a conflict between the surrogate and the intended parents over payment of fees or expenses, the attorney for the intended parents needs to be available to advocate for the intended parents, and this may be inherently inconsistent with the neutral role of a person holding the funds in a fiduciary capacity.
(4) What behaviors are expected of Intended Parents and Surrogate? A surrogacy contract generally will set out behavior expectations for intended parents and surrogate including compliance with all medical directives, dietary and travel restrictions during pregnancy, agreements on communication about the pregnancy and attendance at prenatal visits, who will be in the delivery room, etc.
(5) How many embryos will be implanted and what is the plan re: selective reduction? The intended parents and the surrogate need to be in agreement about multiple pregnancies. If the intended parents are clear that they will not selectively reduce a triplet pregnancy unless there is a serious medical issue with one of the babies or continuing the pregnancy would be dangerous for the surrogate, then they need to be matched with a surrogate who is willing to carry triplets. On the other hand, a surrogate who is unwilling to carry more than twins will be a perfect match for intended parents who are unwilling to have more than twins. The contract needs to clarify the plan regarding implantation and reduction, to set expectations and avoid a mismatch of intended parents and surrogate.
(6) How is the surrogate's health care being paid for? Under a new law that went into effect on January 1, 2015, for a surrogacy contract to be valid it must spell out how the surrogate's health care is being paid for (i.e. what insurance policy will cover the pregnancy and delivery, and who is paying the premiums).
(7) What is the plan for assuring that the Intended Parents end up the legal parents, and the Surrogate is not held legally responsible for the child? A surrogacy contract will always state clearly that the intended parents will be the legal parents and the surrogate (and her husband, if she has one) will not; and the contract also should specifically set out the plan for assuring that parentage is established in a timely manner and pursuant to the laws of the relevant state(s). Since each state has its own laws and procedures for establishing parental rights, the exact manner for addressing this will vary depending on the states where the surrogate and intended parents live.
Q: If we use a surrogate to carry our child, at what point are we recognized as legal parents?
A: As long as you have followed proper procedures, and assuming your child was conceived in California, you will be able to get a judgment making you legal parents prior to your child’s birth. I generally recommend waiting until the 2nd trimester – after the worst dangers of miscarriage are over – and then filing for parentage as quickly as possible and no later than the 25th week. Courts often take a month or more to process these actions, so it is best to leave plenty of time. Generally speaking, if the legal work is done correctly, most California courts are granting pre-birth surrogacy judgments on the papers, with no actual court appearance required. Your attorneys will draw up all the papers for you, making it a pretty stress-free process for surrogate and intended parents.
It is important to note that even though many California courts are routinely issuing pre-birth judgments in surrogacy cases, these judgments do not technically go into effect until a baby is born, to avoid a legal conflict over medical decision-making prior to birth. Therefore, the Surrogate remains in full control over her prenatal care and medical choices prior to the moment of delivery, contingent on whatever the contract between surrogate and intended parents specifies in this regard.
Q: Since different counties have different procedures for getting pre-birth orders, can I (or my lawyer) choose the county with the best procedures and file our pre-birth action there?
A: A new law, which went into effect on January 1, 2013, provides that a court action to determine parentage of a child born through gestational surrogacy can be brought in the county where the intended parents live, the county where the child was conceived, the county where the surrogate lives, or the county where the child is born. This usually gives the parties at least a couple of choices of appropriate venues for their court action.
Q: What happens if we use an out-of-state surrogate?
A: If your child is conceived in the state of California, California courts retain jurisdiction to determine parentage. (California courts have jurisdiction to determine the legal parentage of any child conceived in California, whether conceived through sex or through assisted reproduction.) Therefore, if you are using an out-of-state surrogate but want California law to apply, you need to make sure that your child is conceived here. That said, your child’s birth certificate will be issued by whatever state your child is born in, and some states take issue with California courts telling their departments of vital records what to put on a birth record. This can be particularly problematic for gay couples having children through surrogacy, as not all states will issue birth certificates reflecting that a child has two parents of the same sex. For these reasons, it always is a good idea to seek the advice of an attorney in the state where your child will be born, preferably prior to making a final decision to use a surrogate from another state.
DISCLAIMER: This article is intended to provide general information about selected legal topics. The information provided is not legal advice, and is published for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for specific legal advice or opinions, and the transmission of this information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the sender and the receiver. No reader should act on information contained in this article without obtaining the specific advice of legal counsel. The attorneys at The Wald Law Group, P.C. are licensed to practice law in the State of California, and do not offer advice as to the laws of any other state.
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