818 - 接待晚宴






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Dear Tiffany,

Fall Chicago is around the corner and it should be very much beautiful.  We are here in China want to thank you for taking care of IP5370 Chen and her husband. We are horned to have this chance to help them conceive babyes.

This letter is invite you to join our IP5477 Official Dinner at Private Dinning Rook, 4 Season Hotel. Your surrogacy experiences will bring the contribution to comfort Internet Parents understand the amazing gift you have given.    We could like to invite you and your husband join this exclusive lunch event and sharing your surrogacy experience with each of the invited members at the following schedule.


TIME: 10:30 to 13:00

DATE: 2014/09/28

PLACE: Private Dinning Rook, 4 Season Hotel

HOST: Nicole Ning


Invited Case Members


  1. Mr and Mrs. Zhi, IP5477
  2. Dr. Lecent Hung.
  3. John McCauley, e.s.q
  4. Jeff Kemrow
  5. George Finbeger
  6. Mr. Lin Zhantong
  7. Demi Dai
  8. Nicole Ning
  9. Tiffany and her husband

Please confirm your availability of attending this dinner.  In the event you could not make it, please let Nicole know. We recommend that you might bring some small gift for IP showing your great concerns providing the help and support to their drama of having a true family.


Warmest Reagrd / No worries


Nancy Zhang Yulane Wecare Team

Yulane Reproductive Genetics Institute     

2910 MacArthur Blvd,Northbrook, IL 60062

Direct phone: 312-428-3700

Email: nancyzhang@wecare.yulane.com

Website: www.reproductivegenetics.com  and www.yulane.org

Please respond to the IP group email at 5370CHEN@sp.yulane.net that can help each of track the communication items during the entire case period. Thank again for your corporation.