2825 N. Halsted Street,Chicago, IL 60657
(请原谅不接受没有经过安排的电话,请拨打888-976-5222 递交您的声音 进入招聘第一步骤,人力资源助理会在48小时答复)
通过企业兼并,运营机构资源共享的战略思想,玉兰下属中国玉卵服务中心将拥有全世界最大的纯中国的卵子库。中国玉卵完整的捐赠流程,经验丰富的辅助生育医院,经验丰富的捐卵律师,熟练使用英语与国语的工作人员, 以耐心细致周到的贴心的服务,协助受赠家庭与捐卵天使密切合作,使两者轻松愉快地完成匹配过程。
玉兰辅助生育服务中心拥有自己的生殖遗传医学研究所,法律名称为玉兰生殖遗传医学研究所,总部位于美国芝加哥。成立于1989年。由PGD科学之父 尤里.温斯基博士(Dr. Yevy Verlinsky)于1989年创立,在过去的20年里,生殖遗传医学研究所,通过PGD科学技术为全世界的家庭诞生了2万个健康的婴儿。
岗位名称: 华语客服主任
招聘人数: 50名
服务薪酬: 自己的计算机维护、网络运营费用自理.,不需要外出,主要以电话服务的方式,为中国的贵宾提供声音服务。客服服务按流程支付,每个流程为400美元,合计5个流程,2000美元,一位客户主任每年签约20个客户,约计4万-5美元/每年。
关于税收: 1099独立工作者的服务合作形式,支付的薪酬为税前薪酬,服务人员根据实际收入情况,按美国税务局1099税收政策教你税收。
Skills/Qualifications 职位资格:
• 来美时间不少于10年,已婚、35岁以上的年轻妈妈和爸爸, (打字要求在每分钟40字以上),且拥有3年以上工作经验.
• 声音成熟温和,标准的普通话,表达能力好、逻辑思路清晰,拥有出色的语言沟通能力。有美国学历更佳。
• 有独立的计算机、高速网络环境,每天通过短信和电子邮件的方式与贵宾完成服务沟通。因此需具备QQ,、微信、短信的沟通技能(有测试)。要求有家庭办公室具备两个显示器和要求的计算机办公室软件(如下)。
• 需缴纳$250美元培训费,(5天住宿费用自理),包含培训上机、和协助安装计算机应用软件等费用),提供培训午餐晚餐。基本培训内容:培训内容主要是Office家族系列,包括 Outook、Excel、Word等,同时也包括企业上岗政策、财务制度、操作流程等20个需要学员掌握的上岗要求,电话接听、服务报告汇总。 培训地址位于http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Pages/Documentation.aspx
面试要求 请携带简历、各种资格证书、您以前的培训文档资料参加面试
How to Send Your Resume
Please email your cover letter and resume via e-mail 2014HR@sp.yulane.net. Make sure you copy the resume content to your email, and don't attach your resume in your email, otherwise we will not be able to read it, and then call us at 888-976-5222 to leave a message introducing yourself, please note that if you don't call or you attach your resume in your email, we will not be able to process your application.
Compensation Demo
This office is the HR department of Yulane located in both Chicago and Beijing. This office is responsible for screening the resumes sent by these servicing provider candidates who showed interest in working with us who are mostly the English-speaking Chinese case managers working remotely in different cities in China and the United States. Currently, we are looking for the lanugage Interpretation professionals who have strong communication capacity able to help Yulane and its Chinese clients for entering the IVF Surrogacy Risk-Free Program for conceiving a healthy child within 36 months by utilizing modern third party reproductive technologies. Currently we have two positions open. One is Case Lanugage Interpretator and another one is Case Attorney. The following is the summary of the scope of services for these openings.
Before, we move forward, I would like to confirm with some requirements communication items the following :
How many years you have an legal status in the United States? ________________ .
In your home office, you own your own computer PC with Win 7 or above operating system m and have installed the Microsoft Office Applications Word , Excel , Access , Outlook as well as installed the Adobe Professional. ________________ .
In your home office, you have the Internet Access already installed and the provider is ________________ .
In your home office, you have a home phone number where all required business assuagements can be reached. If yes, enter the home phone number .________________ .
. In your home office, you do have a cell phone number with an unlimited calling program where all required business assuagements can be reached. If yes, enter the cell phone number here .________________ .
In your home office, you have an Voice-IP Phone installed that can allow you to make unlimited calling to China from you. ( most popular provider is ITALKBB and Vantage, Broad voice… ) , or you will consider to purchase one after your 1099 service agreement contract is signed with Yulane. Is this correct? Please explain your currently calling China sitation if you have some time. Your response is highly appricated. ________________ .
Is your phone is a Smart Phone, if yes, you are required to install both QQ and Yahoo plus most population communication applications such Weixin , Weibo and etc..
What is your QQ account? Is it currently active? ________________ .
What is your Yahoo ID Account. If yes, have you had Yahoo Messenger installed? Yahoo ID is ___________________
In your home office, you have a separate /quite room from other home activities where you are able to communicate for the business assignments as required by avoiding the home environmental background noising that might cause the business presence of representing Yulane WeCare Program unprofessionally. You understand and will try do your best to provide the services professionally without supervision. ________________ .
Communication Anytime. WeCare Specialist requirement the timely commutation that cannot be interrupted. You agree to make availability of your virtual presence online between 8.00 to 20:00 Monday to Saturday using both QQ, Yahoo online which is also accessible using the cell phone device(s). If you are in charge of a case, the requirement communication assignment is unaviable, it will affect your pay compensation by reducing to 50% of the total compensation and then the program bonus might be disapproved for lock of communication at that time. Are you comfortable with this requirement ? ________________ .
Payment Schedule vs. Completion of Services As you have experienced, the completion of services has always been the challenges. Do you feel comfortable to be compensated with the terms of completion of services instead of hourly rated professional working with Yulane? ________________ .
Free Training Services - Yulane provides 40-hours on-site free-training mainly for the documentation of using Email Subject, Snipping Image to Email, Timely communication effecicney, MS WORD, PDF writeable, 3-Billing-Compliances demo documents, reflecting how you will work at your home to completed the services.. Are you comfortable to attend the 40-hour free training?________________ .
$10.00 hourly rate maximum 100 hours for the Paid Training . Once the 40 hours free training is proven, you might be asked a 100 hours on-site training at a rate of $10 per hour we care translation professional. Bonus might apply if the completions of services could be in a good position. Are you comfortable to attend 100-hour-on-site training at a rate of $10.00 per hour paid training? ________________ .
You understand after paid training, you might be offered different work-home position such as the case interpretator at $450 per process case for delivering required messegsges and transaltions for each client family who will be visiting the United States. This fee $450 includs unlimited calls to delivery translation services among client, service provider and Yulane internal managers to complete its full servicse with no less than 10 hours on-site translation services with paid parkting plus $0.30 per mile after 25 miles as long distance travel. For additional hour after 10 hour, the interpreater will be paid $15.00 per on-site translation with a flat fee $50.00 for client dinner if permitted. No other compensation will apply. This position is fully based on the training outcome such as Snipping Image to Email, timely communication efficiency and legal memo. As result of services, you will be required to provide the completion of services and bill Yulane for a fee of $450.00 per case per 818 process ( example, you will be required to fill out the 818 form located at http://www.yulane.org/counsel/Documents/818-新贵宾就诊说明书.pdf . If is possible that you will earn up the monthly service fee up to $200 per account if you can help manage the other process based case earning up to $4000 per month ( 20 accounts) for 7 month per case after three (3) 818 Forms completed. Are you comfortable with these requirements to deliver the case interpreation services?________________ .
In the event, the case interpreation is expected for other services including training, court appearance, filling motions and discovery, a flat fee of $20.00 per hour ( houly rate will be increased $10 for everyone 800 hours up to $40 per hour) for the course of action will be paid with $0.55 long distance travel expenses after 25 miles per trip. Are you comfortable with these additional compensation arrangements? ________________ .
You understand this is a contract position. Yulane offers full benefits to contractor(s) based on the delivered services and satisfaction of the support after a review of 24-month. Generally, the service value is required to be greater than $80k in total compensation in 24 month as the one of the condition for the Yulane full benefits. Are you comfortable with these benefit arrangements? ________________ .
Termination of Services. Yulane values the services from the hard-work that case interpretation professionals will delivery, and will work with them to develop a good relationship a long term. In the event, the expected services would have failed to be delivered, Yulane would be in the risk status toward to the legal liabilities and client would be in the danger of losing the preliminary right(s). Therefore, the termination will be taken effective immediately without notices. The remaining compensation might not be able to be paid at the regular payment schedule. Are you comfortable with these policies? ________________ .
Above 18 screening items is required to be replied before a phone interview can be arranged.
Thank you for your attention on Yulane’s hiring AD. We are looking forward to having your contribution help us grow.