Section 25. Requirements for a gestational surrogacy contract.
第二十五部分 代孕服务要求
(a) A gestational surrogacy contract shall be presumed enforceable for purposes of State law only if:
1. it meets the contractual requirements set forth in subsection (b) of this Section; and
2. it contains at a minimum each of the terms set forth in subsection (c) of this Section.
(b) A gestational surrogacy contract shall meet the following requirements:
1. it shall be in writing;
2. it shall be executed prior to the commencement of any medical procedures (other than medical or mental health evaluations necessary to determine eligibility of the parties pursuant to Section 20 of this Act) in furtherance of the gestational surrogacy:
(i) by a gestational surrogate meeting the eligibility requirements of subsection (a) of Section 20 of this Act and, if married, the gestational surrogate's husband; and
(ii) by the intended parent or parents meeting the eligibility requirements of subsection (b) of Section 20 of this Act. In the event an intended parent is married, both husband and wife must execute the gestationalsurrogacy contract;
3. each of the gestational surrogate and the intended parent or parents shall have been represented by separate counsel in all matters concerning the gestational surrogacy and the gestational surrogacy contract;
3.5. each of the gestational surrogate and the intended parent or parents shall have signed a written acknowledgement that he or she received information about the legal, financial, and contractual rights, expectations, penalties, and obligations of the surrogacy agreement;
3.5. 妊娠代孕妈妈与受赠家庭的每一个人应签署书面声明,声明他或她知悉代孕协议的法律、财务、合约权利、预期、罚责和义务。
4. if the gestational surrogacy contract provides for the payment of compensation to the gestational surrogate, the compensation shall have been placed in escrow with an independent escrow agent prior to the gestational surrogate's commencement of any medical procedure (other than medical or mental health evaluations necessary to determine the gestational surrogate's eligibility pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 20 of this Act); and
4. 如果妊娠代孕合约为代孕妈妈提供报酬,报酬应该在代孕妈妈开始任何医疗过程(而不是为确定与该法案第二十部分相关的代孕妈妈的评估所必需的医疗或心理健康评估)前交于独立的托管人。
5. it shall be witnessed by 2 competent adults.
(c) A gestational surrogacy contract shall provide for:
1. the express written agreement of the gestational surrogate to:
(i)undergo pre-embryo transfer and attempt to carry and give birth to the child; and
(ii) surrender custody of the child to the intended parent or parents immediately upon the birth of the child;
1.表达代孕妈妈书面认可(i)进行前胚胎移植和尝试怀孕、生产,(ii) 在孩子出生后立即向受赠家庭移交孩子的监护权。
2. if the gestational surrogate is married, the express agreement of her husband to:
(i) undertake the obligations imposed on the gestational surrogate pursuant to the terms of the gestational surrogacy contract;
(ii) surrender custody of the child to the intended parent or parents immediately upon the birth of the child; the express written agreement of the gestational surrogate to:
2.如果代孕妈妈已婚,表达其丈夫认可(i)承担根据妊娠代孕合约条款而来的义务,(ii) 在孩子出生后立即向受赠家庭移交孩子的监护权。
3. the right of the gestational surrogate to utilize the services of a physician of her choosing, after consultation with the intended parents, to provide her care during the pregnancy; and
4. the express written agreement of the intended parent or parents to:
(i) accept custody of the child immediately upon his or her birth; and
(ii) assume sole responsibility for the support of the child immediately upon his or her birth.
4.表达受赠家庭的书面认可(i) 在孩子出生后立即接受孩子的监护权,(ii) 在孩子出生后立即承担完全的抚养责任。
(d) A gestational surrogacy contract shall be presumed enforceable for purposes of State law even though it contains one or more of the following provisions:
1. the gestational surrogate's agreement to undergo all medical exams, treatments, and fetal monitoring procedures that the physician recommended for the success of the pregnancy;
2. the gestational surrogate's agreement to abstain from any activities that the intended parent or parents or the physician reasonably believes to be harmful to the pregnancy and future health of the child, including, without limitation, smoking, drinking alcohol, using non-prescribed drugs, using prescription drugs not authorized by a physician aware of the gestational surrogate's pregnancy, exposure to radiation, or any other activities proscribed by a health care provider;
3. the agreement of the intended parent or parents to pay the gestational surrogate reasonable compensation; and
4. the agreement of the intended parent or parents to pay for or reimburse the gestational surrogate for reasonable expenses (including, without limitation, medical, legal, or other professional expenses) related to the gestational surrogacy and the gestational surrogacy contract.
(e) In the event that any of the requirements of this Section are not met, a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine parentage based on evidence of the parties' intent.
(e)在不符合本部分任何一项要求的情况下 有合格管辖权的法庭将根据相关各方的意图方面的证据确定亲子权。
该文件为玉兰基金会提供的参考文件, 全部的文件地址在:伊利诺州代孕法.pdf