服务认证体系 Accrediation Program
The Yulane’s Accreditation Program combining with the Compliance Bill Program in each regions that permitted the Surrogate Acts including to work with China law makers for such surrogacy mission. The Yulane accreditation Program is process to certify the competency, authority, or credibility, and presented to the China IVF clients from the following 11 (but not limited to ) service organizations:
玉兰认证机构类型如下: The Yulane Foundation has identified the following (but not limited to) potential service organizations as service providers:
•IVF law firms生育法律服务
•Immigration law firms 移民法律服务
•IVF clinics and hospitals 诊所与医院
•IVF laboratories实验室
•Surrogacy service agencies 代孕服务中介机构
•Egg donor service agencies serving Chinese clientele 捐卵中介机构
•Bed & Breakfast inns (for clients to stay) 接待服务机构
•Chinese language translation services 语言服务机构
•Social-work agencies 社会福利机构
•Insurance agencies 保险服务机构
•Banks and other financial institutions 银行和金融机构(如何为中国开设账户的方法和免除复杂的手续等培训)
•Training companies 培训机构
•Professional Marketing firms 专业营销公司
•Customer Services and Call Centers 客户服务机构和呼叫中心