

9万元/ PDG代孕筛查服务费用 -100% PDG代孕妊娠率也是98% 24染色体PDG代孕妊娠率



什么是100% PDG代孕妊娠率 (也称为SAP PGD妊娠)

100% PDG代孕妊娠率也是98% 24染色体PDG代孕妊娠率。通常情况下,妊娠失败的主要原因之一是移植没有经过PGD筛查的胚胎。玉兰代孕妊娠成功率在98%左右的基本前提是通过RGI的新24 -染色体检测分析的一个单细胞的整个染色体的补充,减少失败的着床和流产的危险。同时代孕妈妈全部经过IVF妊娠筛查(其他中介机构和试管婴儿医院因为由于没有实验室因而不能完成代孕妈妈吗筛查,通常是导致代孕妈妈妊娠失败率增高的主要原因。


RGI的新24 -染色体检测分析的一个单细胞的整个染色体的补充,减少失败的着床和流产的危险,增加机会拥有一个健康的的宝宝。Yulane RGI的执行24 chromsome分析, 使用芯片的技术, 或阵列比较基因组杂交技术(A - CGH)技术,这种技术比较目前为每一个单细胞的染色体DNA量,比较正常标准。芯片可以执行三种不同类型的样品:极体(从受精卵),卵裂球(3日从胚胎),或囊胚/滋养层(从5天的胚胎)。 在同一个周期内的胚胎转移极体和/或卵裂球测试是可行的,而滋养层测试通常需要在以后的日子和转移胚胎冷冻解冻。简洁和可靠的结果,和我们的遗传咨询提供的数据提供明确的解释。 RGI的24号染色体测试并不需要提交的血液或唾液样本,有没有等待期或取消的处罚。






1 IVF试管婴儿手术套餐 (不包括药物)             $ 15,000



2 Donor Cycle      远程辅助生育解决方案            $28,600,

IVF + Donor fee (远程辅助生育解决方案,试管婴儿手术+捐卵天使费用,also, Remote IVF solutions 远程试管婴儿手术,Ukraine, everything $15,000 including Surrogacy)


3 Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) 移植冷冻胚胎    $2500     

3 Freezing Oocytes (Egg) / Embryos                               $800                                                                                                   

速冻(vintrification)和解冻卵子和胚胎流程,(create super links to vintrificaton and slow freezing) 


4 Storage per year   存储冷冻卵子和胚胎               $700


FISH ANALYSIS (Fluorescent in situ hybridization, 染色体内荧光原位杂交) 极体分析(day 1)$1,700


5 Polar Body analysis for 5-9 chromosomes (8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22)                                   


6选择5个染色体进行卵子裂球分析                         $3,500

Blastomeric analysis for 5 chromosomes (13, 16, 18, 21, 22 OR 13, 18, 21, X, Y)                           



7对11个染色体进行卵子裂球分析                           $5,000

Blastomere analysis for up to 11 chromosomes (8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y)                   


8 对11个染色体进行极体和卵子裂球分析            $3,200

Polar body and blastomere analysis for up to 11 chromosomes                                    

(8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y)     



9对11个染色体进行极体和卵子裂球分析                       $4,000

Polar body and blastomere analysis for up to 11 chromosomes                                            

(8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y)

*** including biopsy and fixation cost IF performed at RGI in conjunction with an IVF cycle 


10选择5个染色体进行囊胚分析                              $1,700

Blastocyst analysis for 5 chromosomes (13, 16, 18, 21, 22 OR 13, 18, 21, X, Y)                    


11对11个染色体进行囊胚分析                                           $2,700

Blastocyst analysis for up to 11 chromosomes (8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y) 


12把囊胚分析作为对前面分析的确认                                $5,000

Blastocyst analysis as confirmation of previous testing

* Additional chromosomes may be substitute in the above chromosome panels at patient request

**Full karyotyping may also be possible for an additional cost of $2000 (if interested please inquire)



13 24条染色体潘内尔分析                                         $5,000


24 chromosomes pannel analysis (22 pairs, +x, +y)                                                                       


** A mandatory setup system must be completed before PGD can be performed for all translocation cases. This required system setup is included in the cost for the first PGD(胚胎植入前诊断)cycle


14移位测试准备和第一次胚胎植入前诊断周期               $3.000

Translocation setup fee and first PGD cycle                                                         


15倒置测试准备和第一次胚胎植入前诊断周期               $3,500

Inversion setup fee and first PGD cycle                                                                


16额外IVF周期                                                              $2,500

Additional IVF cycles                                                



** A mandatory setup system must be completed before PGD can be performed for all single gene cases. The costs of PGD for single gene disorders varies, please contact a genetic counselor at RGI (773-472-4900) to discuss the cost of PGD for your family.


Setup 准备


17. 检查一个基因变异One mutation                                  $3,000-$4,000

18  检查两个基因变异Two mutations                              $4,000-$5,000

PGD testing 胚胎植入前诊断测试


19 检查一个基因突变One mutation                                   $2,500

20检查两个基因突变Two mutations                  $3,000

21. 人类白细胞抗原         HLA(Human leukocyte antigen)  $4,000


Setup         准备


22 PGD testing胚胎植入前诊断                                             $3,000                                                    

There are discounted prices for common mutations such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis (deltaF508 mutation or a common mutation carried by both partners and previously studied by RGI).  For these cases the cost is $3,000 for setup and first cycle of PGD testing.


ADDITIONAL SERVICES 其他服务:                                                            

23极体胚胎活检      RGI Embryology Biopsy for polar body                                        $1,000


24裂球胚胎活检      RGI Blastomere Embryology Biopsy                                            $1,500

(** This is a flat fee regardless of number of embryos)


25胞浆内单精子注射 ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection,                                    $1,500


26工作人员差旅费Travel Fee                          $1,500-$2,500

RGI go to other places


27 孵化器费用Incubator Fee               $250